Welcome to gopalax Publications |
---->The Scope of Publications<----
The gopalax Publication established in 2003 presently publishes 25 Books and 6 journals in Computer Science,Management,Engineering( Civil, Mechanical, Electronics And Communication, Electrical And Electronics and Instrumnetation Engineering) . Some of these journals are entirely devoted to specific fields covering various aspects of current development with thrust on applications in science and technology such as Dynamical Systems, Mobile Computing, Wireless Communications Network Security, Network Security Issues, Databases and data structures, Formal languages, automata and their applications to computer science; formal methods and verification Hypermedia and multimedia, human-computer interaction Information systems engineering, information retrieval and search; information technology in education , Knowledge engineering; expert and knowledge-based systems, intelligent agents, Programming and languages ,Proof theory and applications of logic to computer science, Wireless Communication, Cryptography, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Information Science and Computer Science while some are devoted to core topics in Computer Science and Management.
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The Silent feature of our journals
- The editorial board of our journals is world wide.
- The papers published in our journals are from highest author in the field of knowledge in the world.
- The subscribers of our journals are spread all over the world.
The aim of publishing company
- To encourage the Researchers.
- To provide a stage for Researcher.
- To benefits the Students, Researcher, Scientist, Industries, Government Sector, Research Laboratories.
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Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publications while being evaluated by gopalax Journals. All articles are subjected to a double blind peer-review process. All submitted articles will be judged based on their quality by the reviewers committee. All article submissions will be handled electronically by Microsoft CMT service.
Editors and Reviewers |
gopalax Publications is seeking qualified researchers to join its editorial team as Associate Editor, Editorial Advisory Board Member, and Reviewers.
Kindly send your details to [email protected]
Call for Papers |
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to [email protected] with mention journal title.
Scholar of the Month |
The Journals honor Outstanding Scholars in various fields. Scholar of the Month should have contributed to their field and to the larger community. Recipients will be nominated by the Advisory Board and approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the allied journals published by gopalax publications. Scholar of the Month will be displayed in the web portal of the concerned journal.
gopalax is now being indexed with DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS (Harvard Univ.), CiteSeer, UlrichWeb, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, PennState University, University of Washington, Georgetown University
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 International Journal of Computer Network And Security(IJCNS)
 Interntional Journal of Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies(IJEIMS)
 International Journal of Technology And Engineering System(IJTES)
 International Journal of Computing, Communication And Information System(IJCCIS)
 International Journal of Review And Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering(IJRRASE)
 International Journal Of Power, Control, Signal & Computation (IJPCSC)