International Journal of Review and Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering

ISSN: 2231-0061
gopalax Research Publishing Agency Network

Starting a New Open Access Journal

'gopalax Publishing Agency Press' is now expanding its journal collection, and proposals are welcome for new journals in all areas of science, technology, and medicine.

Our Journals are based on 'Open Access' Policy.When 6 articles or 100 pages are completed, an issue of specific journal is published in order to faciliate faster publications speed.The publication costs of an article are covered in the form of Article Processing Charges, which are publication fees paid from the research budget of accepted authors. In this model authors are allowed to retain the copyright of their work, which is released under a “Creative Commons Attribution License,” enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

In order to facilitate the Editor-in-Chief's job of overseeing the editorial process, our in-house Editorial Department provides our Editors-in-Chief with all the assistance they may need. Our staff will follow up with editors and referees, notify authors, track down missing material, etc. Our Editors-in-Chief are responsible mainly for the tasks that require their scientific expertise, such as assigning Associate Editors for submitted papers, giving their decisions whether to accept or reject papers for publication based on the Associate Editors' recommendations they receive, and reviewing proposals for Special Issues.

What to include in a new journal proposal

  • Information about the proposed Editor-in-Chief. A complete curriculum vitae for the proposed Editor-in Chief of the journal listing his/her current research interests, editorial activities, recent publications, and contact information (full mailing address, email address, and fax and phone numbers).
  • A suggested title for the new journal.
  • Aims and Scope for the new journal. The Aims and Scope of the journal should give an overview of the journal's intended focus. It should also provide an elaboration for the subjects discussed in the journal.
  • A brief overview on why is a new publication needed. An explanation of why a new journal on this topic is needed and a list of any existing journals or conferences related to the field.
  • A proposed list of Editorial Board members. The Editorial Board should include a minimum of 40 editors whose collective academic background and experience should cover all the topics covered in the journal and who should be geographically well distributed across the globe.
  • How to submit a proposal

    When your proposal is complete, please send it to [email protected]com for consideration.

    gopalax Research Publishing Agency Press