ISO 3297:2007

IC Value in 2009: 2.03
IC Value in 2010: 2.14
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.
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Call for Papers for IJTES |
Original contributions are
solicited on topics covered under broad areas such
as (but not limited to):
Algorithms Artificial Intelligence
Automated Software
Engineering Bioinformatics and Scientific
Computing Biomedical Engineering Compilers
and Interpreters Computational Intelligence
Computer Animation Computer Architecture
& VLSI Computer Architecture and Embedded
Systems Computer Games Computer Graphics
& Virtual Reality Computer
Modeling Computer Networks Computer
Security Computer Simulation Computer Vision
Design/Manufacturing Computing
Ethics Computing Practices &
Applications Control Systems Data
Communications Data Compression Data
Encryption Data Mining Databases Digital
Signal Processing Distributed Systems Event
Driven Programming Expert Systems High
Performance Computing Image
Processing Information Retrieval
Information Systems Mobile Computing
Multimedia Applications Natural Language
Processing Parallel and Distributed Computing
Performance Evaluation Programming
Languages Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Security & Cryptography Software
Engineering & CASE Technology in
Education Technology Management Theoretical
Computer Science User
Interface Applications of Computer Science and
Electrical & Electronics
Power quality parameters.
Methods of power quality analysis. Modelling and simulation.
Power quality measurements: techniques, instruments.
Methods of power quality improvement: filters, etc.
Power quality in competitive electricity markets.
EMC in electrical engineering.
Economic aspects of power quality and cost of supply.
Sensibility of loads and other electrical equipment to power quality characteristics.
Influences of disturbing loads on supply networks and other electrical devices.
Electrical and exploitative characteristics of loads and electrical power converters.
Reliability and continuity of supply.
Power quality in grids with distributed generation and renewable energies.
Energy efficiency in industry.
Education and power quality.
Electrical Materials and Process
Semiconductor Technology
High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technology
Electronic Materials
Education and Training for Electrical Engineers
Power System Planning and Scheduling
Power System Protection, Operation and Control
Transmission & Distribution Systems and Apparatus
Power System Stability
Power Generation and Sustainable Environment
Power Market and Power System Economics
Power System Modeling, Simulation and Analysis
Electromagnetic Transients Programs (EMTP)
Wind, Solar and Renewable Energy
Communication Systems
Intelligent Systems and Approach
Information Technology Application
Control Theory and Application
Knowledge Management
Electrical Machines
Electric Drivers and Application
Electrical Traction Systems and Control
Electromagnetic and Applied Superconductivity
Industrial Process Control and Automation
Inverter and Converter Technology
Diagnosis and Sensing Systems
Micro Machines
MEMS-Micro Sensors and Structures
MEMS-Related Technology
Other Related Areas
Mechanical Engineering
AI, intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control and their applications
Artificial Intelligence and Engineering
Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering
Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems
Biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, prosthetics and artificial organs
CAD/CAM/CAE, CIM, FMS and manufacturing systems
Composite Materials
Computational Intelligence in Mechatronics
Computer and Robot Vision
Computer Applications
Computer Control
Control system modeling and simulation techniques and methodologies
Control Systems and Machine Dynamics
Cutting Toll Design
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Distributed Systems
Dynamics, Motion Control
Education and Training in Mechatronics
Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity and Fracture
Elements, structures, mechanisms, and applications of micro and nano systems
Embedded Real-time Systems
Engineering Economics
Evaluation Computer Aided Production Planning, Scheduling and Control
Expert Systems and Reversed Engineering
Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Fault Diagnosis
Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and Programming
Functionality graded materials
Haptics, Teleoperation, Telerobotics and Network Robotics
Hardware/software Co-design
Human-Robot Interfaces
Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Planning
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems
Intelligent System
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Kinematics, Mechanics and Mechanism Design
Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots
Machine Design
Machine Elements
Machine Toll Design, CNC, Metrology
Machining Processes
Man Machine Interfaces
Manufacturing System Architecture, Design and Performance
Material Science
Materials and Material Processing
Mechanical Metallurgy
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanisms, Systems
Mechatronic Systems and Applications
Mechatronics Design
Mechatronics Education
Medical Robots and Systems
Metal Cutting
Metal Forming
Methodologies for Robotics and Automation
Micro Mechatronics
Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular and Multi Robots
Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
Modeling, Planning and Control
Motion Control
Network based control systems
Operations Research
Personal and Service Robotics
Petri Nets
Process Control
Production Management
Production Technology
Quality Control
Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment
Robots and Mobile Machines
Sensor Based Robotics
Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion
Sensor design, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms and wireless sensor networks
Signal and image processing and pattern recognition
Smart Materials
Stability and Noise
Teleoperation, telerobotics, haptics, and teleoperated semi-autonomous systems
Total Quality Management, Maintenance and Diagnostics
Underwater Robotics
Vibration and Control
Virtual Reality
Vision and Sensors
Welding and Powder Technology
Civil Engineering
Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections
Applied Computer Vision for Civil and Environmental Engineering
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Buckling and Stability
Building Design, Construction, and Operation
Civil Engineering, Management and Surveying
Computer Controlled Site Instrumentation
Conceptual Design Support
Construction Automation and Robotics
Construction Engineering and Management
Dam Engineering
Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Distributed Computing in Engineering
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Energy for Building
Environment and Energy
Enviromental Modeling
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Protection
Formfinding, Topology and Structural Morphology
Foundation Engineering
Fracture Mechanics
Geographical Information Systems
Geotechnical Analysis and Design
Ground Vibration
Human Computer Interaction and Graphics
Infrastructure Life-cycle Management
Intelligent Construction Site
Lifetime Costs
Linear and Non-linear Dynamics
Model Verification and Validation
Modeling of Concrete Durability
Monitoring and Maintenance of Infrastructure
Monitoring of Structures & Buildings
Numerical Modeling in Geotechnics
Offshore Structures
Project Management and Quality Assessment
Roads and Railways
Rock Mechanics
Sensors Networks/Instrumentation
Simulation and Modeling
Slope Design
Software Standards, Quality Assurance and Benchmarking
Soil-Structure Interaction (static and dynamic)
Space, Tension and Shell Structures
Structural Control
Structural Engineering
Structural Health Monitoring Technologies
Structural Integrity
Structural Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
Support Systems for Interactive Design
Sustainable Urban Environments
Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
Transport and Highways Engineering
Uncertainty Models
Urban Engineering
Urban Transport System
Voice and Image Recognition Applications
Water Resources Engineering